113 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen, TX 78501-9584 | Phone (956) 686-6331

Calendar of Events

Board of Directors


to make a difference

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering is rewarding!
Expose your employees to meaningful volunteer opportunities at organizations and events that they support.
Here’s what some of our community members have to say about their volunteer experiences:

Volunteering as a Shopping Buddy for the Back to School Shopping Spree has been one of my best experiences. Being able to assist a junior high student select their school clothing and making the morning about them is heart-warming.

Paola Escalante-Castillo

Frost Bank

Volunteer Opportunities

The United Way of South Texas is run by committed volunteers.  A professional staff administers the daily operations.  A volunteer Board of Directors made up of a cross-section of local community leaders makes all policy decisions.  Volunteer committees work in all major functions of United Way such as campaign, marketing, finance, fund distribution, strategic planning and communications.

Each year more than 1,000 caring community citizens serve as United Way volunteers.  Volunteers deliver services, raise funds, and help make the tough decisions of how money raised in the community is put to the best use.

Below are the various ways you can contribute:

United Way saves the community thousands of dollars by consolidating fund raising efforts, providing a unique form of accountability, and investing in a diverse group of local non-profits.  Every organization is looking to maximize its investments and time commitments.

While, the UWST Campaign kicks off in September every year, volunteers already have been busy with the Pacesetter Campaign, select businesses that run their UW campaigns early to set the ”pace.” The annual campaign usually runs September through December.

Volunteer Opportunities:

A. Jump Start Council (June – July.)
B. Campaign Cabinet (Sept.-Nov.)
C. Loaned Executive (Sept. – Nov.)
D. Speaker (Aug. – Nov.)
E. Campaign Auditor (Aug. – Dec.)

To volunteer in the Campaign, email:

Lilly Lopez-Killelea:  llopez@unitedwayofsotx.org
Janet Terrazas: jterrazas@unitedwayofsotx.org

Assist in the creation and/or selection of annual Marketing Strategies as related to all functions of the organization, with the goal of increasing United Way awareness in the community.  Volunteers will serve as a Communications Committee member.

Volunteer Opportunities:

A. Print Advertising B.TV/Radio Advertising C.Website Advertising D.Special Events (Kick-Off, etc.)

To volunteer on the Community Relations Committee, email:

Sabrina Kay Lopez: sklopez@unitedwayofsotx.org
United Way of South Texas and various community members team up to assemble bags of school supplies for approximately 3,300 incoming 9th grade students every year.  Volunteers from different corporations will work approximately five hours performing work.

Volunteer Opportunities:

A. Company Team Member (4 hrs. on a Sat.) B. Project Manager (April/May)

The Fund Distribution process for the UWST partner agencies is decided through financial reviews, on-site agency visits and outcome program reviews.  Review teams, or panels, comprised of community volunteers and/or UWST Board Members, are educated on the fund distribution process, review the agencies and make recommendations to the full UWST Board, which makes the final decision on fund distribution.

Volunteer Opportunities:

A. Panel Member (Program Review)(May/June-1 day)
B. Audit Team (Financial Review) (May/June-1 day)

To volunteer in the Fund Distribution Process, email:

Lilly Lopez-Killelea:  llopez@unitedwayofsotx.org
Velma Garcia: vgarcia@unitedwayofsotx.org

Sixth thru Eight Grade students from different school districts ( on a rotating schedule each year) return to school “In Style” with the help of the United Way of South Texas, AEP, H.E.B. and Target Management Staff at Las Tiendas.  The “In Style” Shopping Event will provide back to school supplies and back-packs for each child.  Volunteers (Shopping Buddies) from different corporations volunteer to assist each youth in spending their $150 Individual gift.  Students are allowed to purchase clothing and other personal hygiene items.  The selection of students is based on eligibility criteria and submitted ONLY by the respective school districts.

Volunteer South Texas

Volunteer South Texas is now live!
Let’s connect thousands of South Texas volunteers to meaningful service projects right here at home!

Over the past several years, the United Way of South Texas has been approached by Community Partners and Partner Agencies for a user-friendly, web-database, where volunteers can connect with social service agencies and other organizations. This will give organizations an easy way to advertise volunteer opportunities, in-kind needs and special events.

Potential community volunteers will now have the option to browse what their needs are. Once they determine their needs they will be able to register and will automatically be notified of specific opportunities.

Individuals are now able to volunteer their talents and non-profit agencies, businesses, and governmental organizations now able to recruit. This service is open to all individuals and organizations in Hidalgo and Starr Counties.

Whether you are a social service agency that needs volunteers to help serve meals, a school that wants to offer after-school tutoring, or even an animal shelter that needs more people to help exercise your “clients,” you are able to easily post the Need and wait for those responses to pour in!

Please join United Way of South Texas in its mission to “improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community to advance the common good.”

Click on the Volunteer Now button and follow the easy step-by-step instructions to register. Search for the perfect volunteer match for you. (We will provide support throughout your participation.)